I just received an email letting me know that Verizon is again changing their terms of service. It’s interesting that the first item listed below means they are changing their privacy policy and are going to share your account and identifying info if they even think you’re doing Bad Stuff. I wonder what was wrong with simply waiting for a legal order of some sort?
Also, i wonder if item #4 below means they could block bit torrent traffic?
And if you do go to the URL they provide for seeing more information (www2.verizon.net/policies) you have to give your area code and exchange to see the info. Hmmm, trying to keep researchers and other interested people out perhaps? Is anyone interested in a research project to see how the policies are different in different areas?
Effective June 9, 2008 – Important Information Regarding Changes to Your Verizon Online Terms Of Service
The following is an outline of important changes to the Verizon Online Terms of Service which are effective as of June 9, 2008. We have described these changes in general terms below and recommend that you review the complete Terms of Service to determine how these changes, and other routine changes being made simultaneously, apply to you or your use of the Service. The Terms of Service can be accessed by clicking on the “Policies and Terms of Service” link (www2.verizon.net/policies) at the bottom of any page of our Website. The Terms of Service, as revised, will govern your rights and obligations, and ours, with respect to your use of the Services we offer. As set forth in Paragraph 3 of the Terms of Service, your continued use of the Service after the effective date of these changes will constitute your agreement to the changes.
1. Reporting of Actual or Potential Violations of Child Pornography Laws. We have added language to our Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) making clear that the Service cannot be used in any fashion for the transmission or dissemination of images containing child pornography. In addition, in Section 5, Privacy Policy; Legal Compliance, we have added language making clear that (a) we are required by law to report any facts or circumstances reported to us or which we discover from which it appears there may be a violation of the child pornography laws; and (b) that we reserve the right to report any such information, including the identity of users, account information, images and other facts to law enforcement personnel.
2. Billing Start Date for Additional Services. In Section 8.1, Prices and Fees; Billing, we have added language stating that, unless otherwise noted at the time of purchase, billing for the Additional Services set forth on Exhibit B will begin either on your Service Ready Date if you are also ordering new Broadband Service or upon submission of your order if you are ordering only an Additional Service.
3. Refundable Deposits. We have added a new Section 8.8, Refundable Deposits, which permits us, in certain instances, to require a refundable deposit either prior or subsequent to activation of Service.
4. Modifications to AUP. We have added language to our AUP making clear (a) that we may monitor our subscribers‚ compliance with our Terms of Service and AUP; and (b) that we have the right, but not the obligation, to pre-screen, refuse, move or remove any content available on the Service including, but not limited to, content that violates the law, our Terms of Service or our AUP.
5. Verizon Premium Technical Support (PTS). We have added a new Section 6 to Exhibit B, Additional Terms, which sets forth the terms and conditions governing our provision, and your use, of the PTS service.
Please take time to review the complete Verizon Online Terms of Service. Thank you for being a Verizon Online customer.
Yeah … #4 bothers me too… Seems a lot like wiretapping to me! I linked to your article on digg.
It sounds like it’s an attempt to get out in front of this new legislation they’re trying to push through congress that will let them tap all your electronics. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if it is in direct response to verizon getting squeezed to wiretap via tos rather than court order. hhmm, is that big brother i just heard?