Alternatives? I'm on the waitlist for Post. Join me there: #
Twitter Updates for 2022-11-19
Wow, I finally have access to my Twitter account again! Anything new here since I've been gone? #
Twitter Updates for 2017-10-03
Two email addresses I provided to back in 2007 are now getting spam. Nice security they have with private info. #
Twitter Updates for 2017-09-09
I’ll be voting for @GregHabeeb because @StevenGMcBride just spammed my cell phone with an unsolicited text message #
Twitter Updates for 2017-05-01
Why did I just get @slashdot daily newsletter for the first time in years? Prefs randomly changed? Why was finding the prefs so hard? # @NWSBlacksburg Since when is tying a record a new record? That doesn’t make sense. Clarify your alerts please. in reply to NWSBlacksburg #
Twitter Updates for 2016-05-27
It sucks that @valpakcoupons added me back to their #junkmail list. Opt out (try to at least) at #
Twitter Updates for 2016-04-18
What’s the deal with an attacker appending ?x1 to a ton of URL requests? Hard to find info online with such a short generic searchstring #
Twitter Updates for 2016-03-17
@daringfireball Since Facebook owns Instagram, they won’t get “algorithmic feed order” right. Look at how mangled/awkward the FB feed is #
Twitter Updates for 2016-03-02
@daringfireball If the SB Chief wants to know who was called on the iPhone, can’t they get that from the phone’s billing records? #
Twitter Updates for 2016-02-25
@roanoketimes Why do you keep adding my email address to your mailing lists? Stop! That is aka spam. The daily obituaries!?! Sigh #