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Home Page Text Reverser

This plugin reverses text in the content of each post on the blog’s home page only on April 1st. It does not affect the text of the post on any archives, or the full post page. HTML tags are not reversed, so links and formatting should not be affected. Happy April Fool’s Day!


  1. Download Home Page Text Reverser to the plugins directory under wp-content of your blog.
  2. Unzip the file.
  3. Activate the plugin on your plugins page.
  4. (Optional) I suggest you subscribe to my RSS feed so you can stay informed about any updates to Home Page Text Reverser.


  1. Deactivate the plugin on your plugins page.
  2. Delete reverser.php from your plugins directory, under wp-content of your blog directory.

If you discover any problems, or have any suggestions on improving Home Page Text Reverser, please contact me.


Using Home Page Text Reverser is free, you do not have to pay me anything. If you find it useful, and you’d like to pay me, any (or all!) of the following would be greatly appreciated:

  • Subscribe to my RSS feed.
  • Blog about the Home Page Text Reverser plugin, tell your readers about it.
  • Make a donation to me.
  • Buy me something from my Amazon Wishlist.

On April 1st, a link to my web site is added to the footer of your home page.


  • March 31, 2009: Initial release (version 0.1).