I just spent more time than I should have trying to figure out why wget was not retrieving web pages correctly. I’ve been using wget for ages with no problems. It turns out the ampersand & in the URL was behaving badly. The solution is obvious, once I found it buried deep in a discussion at RedHat.com. Enclose the URL in single quotes. Works like a charm.
I agree, this was not clearly mentioned in the manual – that I saw anyway and I followed some other poor suggestions about encoding or double quotes before reading this.
Single quotes and all is good.
Oh my god thank you so much!!! I Spent AGES trying to get this to work (using encoding and double quotes etc) and I can’t believe I didn’t try single quotes, such an obvious solution, why isn’t it mentioned in the manual?
Granted this is an old, but for those who come here via Google; the reason that this isn’t mentioned in the manual is that this is not a wget problem; this is a bash problem. Bash interprets ampersands as a control operator. Everything before, and separately after the ampersand gets passed as a single standalone command.
Informative post, i made sure that I followed suggestions about encoding or double quotes and it really worked well for me. Thanks 😀
You can also use a backslash before the ampersand. This is useful if the URL contains a variable that you’d need substituted, such as
Very useful post! Charles, you got it right with the backslash before the ampersand. Thanks for sharing the info.
Spot on! This is exactly what I was looking for. The backslash before the ampersand works a treat.
i know this is very old threads but …
Just recently moved to perl/bash for some quick cooking and spent almost 2 hours looking wget downloading 2 files when using & char.
you saved the day 🙂
By the way \& didn’t worked for me
Here’s another technique:
URL=”http://example.com/some/query?ENTRY=something&this&that”; wget “$URL”