Automator, iTunes, Additional fonts, otherstuff I’m sure. time remaining: less than a minute. I will say, it is very classy to give time estimates like that. Ooh, it’s “finishing installation.” 9:33am
Additional Essentials
Additional Essentials?? Either it is essential or it isn’t. How could an “essential” be additional? Now, the Media files are installing. And the Migration assistant, My, things are going quickly now. 4 minutes remaining. 9:30am.
Install BSD Subsystem
The BSD Subsystem is installing. 37% complete, time remaining: About 7 minutes. It’s 9:28am.
Installing Essentials
The “Essentials” are being configured, oops, now being installed. Writing files: 35% completed. Time remaining: About 12 minutes. It’s 9:26am.
DVD Check OK
The DVD check completed at 9:20am. There is a skip button if you don’t want to wait (or if you know the DVD is good). The installation is commencing. Writing files, 12% completed. Time Remaining: About 11 minutes. It is now 9:22am.
Checking your Installation DVD
Oh goody, it’s checking the DVD for problems. Which, yes is a good thing. It would be horrible to have a scratch cause problems at 95% completed, ending up with a non-bootable system. Tiger ships only on DVD. If you need CDs, you have to pay an extra $10, mail your DVD back to Apple, […]
Installation started at 8:50am
I double clicked the install icon, gave my system password, and Ivan (my iMac G5) restarted. Fairly simple and standard stuff so far. Choose the language, agree to the license agreement, choose type of install (Erase the hard drive! oh my!). Then I chose “Custom Install.” First choice: don’t install printer drivers for printers you […]
The First Step: Backup! Backup! Backup!
I want to start out with a pristine system, so I need to backup ALL of my data, applications, settings, etc… I ended up burning five DVDs (around 22GB of stuff). I looked through the materials on the iMac G5’s discs, and I didn’t see the extra applications (Quicken, WorldBook, Appleworks) so I backed those […]