These are the WordPress plugins I have released. Please let me know if you find any problems, or have any suggestions on improvements that can be made, or ideas for a plugin you would like to see.
- Home Page Text Reverser reverses the text of your posts on your home page on April 1st.
- Login Error Cleanup – Sanitizes error messages returned by attempts to login to the WP admin section.
- WLW Disabler – Disable the Windows Live Writer headers that appear in the html headers of pages generated by WordPress
- Fix the P makes sure that the word WordPress always appears with an uppercase letter p.
- Ultimate Category Excluder allows you to exclude entire categories from the home page, archives or the RSS feed.
These plugins I have stopped working on.
- WARP = WordPress Admin Reminder Plugin will give you a reminder in your admin panel of some of the tasks you should do to keep your blog running smoothly.
- CodeQuote disables smart quotes from text (usually programming code) that is enclosed inside <code> tags.