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Archive of posts filed under the Humor category.

Longest LetterPress Game?

My dad and I played LetterPress last March and ended up playing 1,578 words. We made a few mistakes early on that cost us a few extra words. We probably could’ve gotten close to 1,600 had we paid closer attention. Here are some tips and hints for doing a long LetterPress game: Hope for only […]

Venn Diagram of Prime Numbers

Just a touch of the light side: A Venn Diagram of Numbers: More Venn Diagrams at the Venn Diagram Tumblog.

Transcript of McCain’s Process For Picking Palin

A recording has been found of the discussion of how Republican Presidential candidate John McCain chose his running mate, Sarah Palin. Here’s the transcript, although unfortunately the audio file itself was destroyed while importing it into the computer: McCain: Ok, well, we need to find me a vice-president. The convention is next week. Advisor: Anything […]

What does DRM stand for?

DRM = Digitally Ruined Music

Blogging t-shirt slogans

I recently entered a contest to come up with phrases that describe blogging. I didn’t win, but here are my entries: I blog therefore I am Blog! You’re it! Think outside the blog. Parlez vous blog? Usted habla el blog? I’m bilingual, I speak English and Blog I read more blogs before 6am than most […]

Happy April Fool’s Day!

I hope you liked my little prank. Here it is (my home page reversed entirely): (Click to embiggen.)